A great community space is more
than just a place for a snack...
A well designed canteen boosts creativity, motivates an employee and helps to concentrate in a stress free environment.
Many workplaces fail to give enough attention and resources regarding break-time spaces, though these places have a high impact on work mood.
A practical and stylish interior's result is a more productive office worker. The key aspects of design here are optimal usage of space and mobility.

At the first stage of planning it is important to decide, how many colleagues will eat out at the same time. You will need a big enough space for larger tables, to encourage social interaction between them.
Flexibility is the key to ensure: these lunch spaces can fulfill the different needs of all workers. While it is important to encourage social interaction you will need additional quiet places with smaller tables, where someone can escape to, with a few friends or with a book. These relaxing corners can help someone to turn off from work and recharge.
High tables and barstools are more and more popular in work canteens because they have a multi-role purpose for social living and mobility.
An open terrace is ideal for anyone, who likes to have his lunch in open air: do not waste an opportunity if you have one. In terms of looks, harmony of colours, shapes and textures can elevate motivation! Our environment is influencing us, so it is important to know, where we have a rest.

Café & Canteen
An office canteen is not just about lunchtime recharge anymore. This space of workplace has evolved to a far more versatile place due to demands. With a careful design it can become a center for discussion, a quick meeting place or a corner for relaxation.
Over the last few years the concept of canteen progressed a lot, becoming the "WorkCafé" - a multifunctional third space between home and work, helping to keep a good work-life balance.
If a member of the workplace community relaxed enough and nurished his informal connections he will be much more motivated and will show higher productivity at work. Beyond these benefits, the office canteen gives an excellent opportunity to strengthen company identity and elevate connections between co-workers. Here the work hierarchy can loosen to let creative ideas flow more freely.
(from the study of the Penketh Group)

The WorkCafé creates
a 3rd place between home and work
for a great work-life balance
Co-workers, who eat together
have a 36% higher chance to
communicate between each other
in worktime as well
91% of the participants of the query thinks
important to have a space at his
workplace where they can recharge

- dining space (4-6-8 persons), normal seating height
- grand diner / meetings (flexibility!)
- sit-arund high table
- one person places for focused work
- quiet corner (acoustic separation)
- kitchen space

For advice and help, please call us!
+36 20 341 3333
Let's start a covnersation!
Our showroom:
Zsámbék, Magyar utca 21-23.,
Let's start planning!

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